
Clear, active, and fresh Kemitron – world of fragrances about the mint


Clear, active, and fresh Kemitron – world of fragrances about the mint

World of fragrances about the mint – Mythical stories and harmonious fragrances are often connected in the world of legends, as also shown here:
Hades, the ruler of the underworld fell in love with the young and pretty nymph Menthae. When Persephone, his wife, found out about it, she became jealous, and transformed the nymph into a plant, which is living on soil as creeper and was supposed to be stepped on by feet. Hades was not able to undo the transformation but he lessened the effect on Menthaes fate by giving her an enchanting fragrance which she exuded when she was touched.

The Indus delta – the birthplace of the mint
In fact, the mint was not only known to the ancient Greeks. Just as many spice, sacrifice, and medicinal plants it originates from the Indian subcontinent and spread from there into the ancient world. The Indus delta is its birthplace and also the name was probably borrowed from the ancient Indian “Manthe” which means rubbing. The Egypts knew and used it as medicinal and ritual herbage as well as burial gift. The ancient Greeks also knew how to make use of it: Mint bouquets at table were thought to stimulate the appetite, mint wreaths on the hair were supposed to prevent a hangover at drinking sessions or act as aphrodisiac.
The success story of the mint continued via the Romans and the Celts until medieval times, when Hildegard of Bingen also planted mint in her herb garden. Charlemagne had the plant grown by regulation for medicinal purposes and in England during the 17th century, mint leaves where used to keep the drinking water on ships clean.
Until today, our most numerous mint species is the peppermint. It’s calming, refreshing, and antispasmodic on the respiratory organs and is used on muscular problems in everyday life or sports.

The fragrant message of the mint
Also in form of mint oil the power of the mint has been used for centuries. Clear, fresh, and active – that is its fragrant message. Mint oil is pervasive, peppery hot, and spicy, leaving a cooling effect on the skin if used in infusion minty fragrances, which is particularly noticeable with a following cold application. It is characteristic for sporty perfumes, masculine cosmetics as well as fresh and cool room and wellness fragrances.
The wide range of mint plants encouraged the experts from Wendlingen, to create an as large spectrum in their world of fragrances. They range from peppermint to the Japanese mint. For its fragrance creations, Kemitron uses a high concentration of natural essential oils. Because only they achieve the wide variety in modes of action on both body and senses. They are only supplemented with nature-identical
oils, if natural raw materials are banned or difficult to acquire for reasons of natural conservation or the protection of endangered species, or are too expensive as natural oils that the end product cannot be marketed at a reasonable price.